Rachel Carson Volunteers
Rachel Carson values and regularly needs volunteers, and If you are interested in volunteering to chaperone or help on regular school days, please fill out the Beaverton School District volunteer account application found on the District's Volunteer page and request that Rachel Carson be added to your school list.
You must have an approved account before you can volunteer. If you already have an account in the district’s volunteer system and would like to add Rachel Carson to your list of approved schools. Please send this request via email to: update_volunteer_locations@beaverton.k12.or.us (Volunteer accounts are not tied to student accounts so they do not automatically update when your student moves schools.)
For other questions about volunteering at Rachel Carson, please email our volunteer coordinator at: rlc.coordinator@gmail.com .
Re Site Visits: Our RC Coordinator sends out volunteer reminder emails. If you can still make the trip, you don’t need to respond to her email. If you can NO LONGER chaperone, please get back to her BY NOON ON MONDAY so we can find a replacement.