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Beaverton Schools

About Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson is an options program designed for students with a strong interest in science in the middle grades. This challenging, environmental science-focused academic program provides authentic science experiences in a variety of the core sciences and other subject areas. Almost weekly field experiences enrich the classroom experience. The program consists of 180 students and 6 core teachers.

The program opened in Fall 2004 with three classrooms and 90 students housed at Five Oaks Middle School. This year marks our 18th year while hosting 180 Rachel Carson students and six staff members. Rachel Carson is now housed at Cedar Park Middle School.

The curriculum teaches an integrated, environmental science curriculum connected to the areas of math, language arts, and social studies. The curriculum, activities and projects are designed to meet the needs of students who demonstrate an interest for depth in the sciences. All state and district learning targets are taught at Rachel Carson.

Through the integration of the core classes (science, math, language arts, and social studies) students learn environmental science. With this environmental lens, we cycle through three themes: systems, change, and sustainability. Field experiences, curricular connections, and investigations allow for the full exploration of the wide variety of ecosystems in our region.

Another foundational component of Rachel Carson lies within our commitment to service learning. Through our site visits and our work with community partners, students gather authentic data as a service to community efforts in restoration, preservation and monitoring of our local ecosystems.

In addition to learning content, Rachel Carson builds relationships. The community that is formed works together to be successful in the classroom and on site visits. Parent involvement is encouraged and welcomed.

Rachel Carson Collective Commitments

Rachel Carson Mission Statement: Guide and empower students to be kind, respectful, and responsible community members, who work together to achieve both individual and group goals.



Rachel Carson Collective Commitments

Rachel Carson Mission Statement: Guide and empower students to be kind, respectful, and responsible community members, who work together to achieve both individual and group goals.